- Question
My Bluetooth device is not working, how do I get it to work?
- Answer
For two bluetooth devices to work together they must be "paired" correctly. There are four main steps to pair two bluetooth devices.
1. Set your first bluetooth device in pairing mode. Note: This is your bluetooth headset or other bluetooth accessory.
2. Set your second bluetooth device to Search for Devices. Note: This is a mobile phone or computer.
3. Select the device you want to pair with. You may be asked to enter a passkey to pair with the first device.
4. The first device will confirm the passkey if needed and return a confirmation message to the second device. Once confirmed, both bluetooth devices are paired.
Please make sure your bluetooth accessory is in pairing mode. Turning your Bluetooth on doesn't always mean it is in pairing mode. Take a look at the device's User's Guide for details.
Pairing mode can have a time limit. If you're not able to find the Bluetooth device you were searching for, the pairing mode time limit may run out. You'll need to set your Bluetooth accessory to pairing mode again.
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