Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Billing / how do I raise a query about my bill?
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    how do I raise a query about my bill?

    • Answer
    • if you use e-billing


      Once you have selected an e-bill to view, there are 2 different ways you can raise a bill query:

      • On the Summary tab - here you can raise a general query. The link to do this is located on the first tab of the e-bill ‘summary’ at the bottom of the page.

      • On the Itemised tab - here you can raise a query about a specific line item on your bill. The ‘query bill’ button is located at the bottom of each page of itemisation. Once you have selected the item you want to query click on ‘submit bill query’. You then need to read the FAQs that will be displayed and then click on ‘send a message’ and complete the form displayed.

      You will receive a response directly in to your Your Account inbox. You’ll also get a text message to let you know when it’s there. 


      Of course you can still call customer services with your bill query if you’d prefer to; just call 150 from your handset or 07973 100 150 from a landline (call charges may vary).


      if you receive your bill through the post and don’t use e-billing


      You'll need to call customer services on 150 from your handset or 07973 100 150 from a landline and speak to a Customer Services agent (call charges may vary).

    • View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/494535
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