- Question
Music on PS3
- Answer
With a Hard Disk Drive, PlayStation 3 is the perfect partner for your music collection.
Select the Music icon on the Home Menu of PlayStation 3 to access your music and audio files.
Populating your PS3 with your favourite sounds is easy. Simply pop in an audio CD and the icon will pop up in the Music category. Find the track(s) or album(s) you want, press the Triangle button on your Wireless Controller and copy to PS3. The same goes for tunes stored on connected devices such as PSP, USB drives and other compatible storage devices.
You can also access the music collection on your PS3 via Remote Play with your PSP, including the Visual Player.
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/music/detail/linked224908/item48586/Music-on-PS3/
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