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Redeem a voucher code
If you have a PlayStation Network voucher code, follow these step-by-step instructions to find out how you can redeem it at PlayStation Store.
1. Sign in to your PlayStation Network account.
2. Visit PlayStation Store via your PlayStation 3 system, PSP system, or Media Go for PSP on your PC.
3. Select the [Redeem Codes] icon from the [Store Top]
4. Enter your 12-character promotion code and select [Continue].
5. Select [Continue] and follow the on-screen instructions to redeem the voucher code
6. Once complete, the downloaded product with be accessible from the XMB (XrossMediaBar).
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Redeem a voucher code
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/playstation-network/detail/item235107/Redeem-a-voucher-code/
Use the Whats New screen
The [What's New] screen replaced [Information Board] as part of system software update 3.00 and contains a new design and new features.
You can check the latest information from PlayStation Store and check the content that you played recently as soon as you turn on the PS3 system. When you select an item under [What's New], you can view detailed information about the item as well as access PlayStation Store. If the item is a game, you can start the game from that screen by pressing the START button.
Icons that are displayed with content items
Start the Internet browser to view a Web page.
Access PlayStation®Store.
Play video.
Start a game.
- To view the latest information, the PS3™ system must be connected to the Internet.
- Some games cannot be started from the [What's New] screen.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Use the Whats New screen
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224884/item231650/Use-the-Whats-New-screen/
Access YouTube XL on PS3
Make the most of the world's popular online video community on your PlayStation 3.
YouTube the global video phenomenon, launched a version of their site for users with large screens in January 2009.
Christened YouTube XL, you can access it via the Internet Browser under Network on the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) of your PS3, or by using Internet Search, also found under Network.
This version of the site is loaded by default for PS3 users and features an updated design with large text and simplified navigation.
Using your Wireless Controller or a Blu-ray Disc Remote Control, you navigate the site by using the menu on the left of the screen (1), scrolling popular videos in the main part of the page (2) or using the Search box in the top right (3).
Once you select a video, it will start playing automatically; click on the continuous play icon (1) in the video player to view all related videos one after the other and on the full screen icon (2) to view the video optimised for a 16:9 HD screen.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Access YouTube XL on PS3
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item280267/Access-YouTube-XL-on-PS3/
Save a Web page as an image
In the Internet browser, you can save the visible area of a Web page as an image.
To save as an image, open the browse mode menu, and then select [File] > [Save Screenshot]. The screenshot will be stored under Photo.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Save a Web page as an image
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item230985/Save-a-Web-page-as-an-image/
Print a Web page
You can print a Web page in the Internet browser.
To print a page, open the browse mode menu, and then select [File] > [Print This Screen].
- To use this feature, you must first set up a printer by selecting Settings > [Printer Settings] > [Printer Selection].
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Print a Web page
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item230990/Print-a-Web-page/
Use Resolution and Flicker Reduction
Find out how to improve your Internet viewing experience on PS3.
[Resolution] and [Flicker Reduction] are options under [Internet Browser] > [Tools]. You can adjust Web page size for optimal viewing based on the PS3 system's video output resolution. You can reduce flickering of the screen when outputting in interlace mode.
[Resolution] adjusts the screen resolution of the Web page. When the PS3 system's video output setting is at either 1080p or 1080i, if you set this option to [-1] or [-2], the display will be enlarged and will be easier to view. When viewing at 576i (Standard(PAL)), set to [+1] or [+2].
[Flicker Reduction] reduces flickering if it appears in characters, images or lines. This feature can also be disabled. You can use this option to reduce flickering of a screen that is displayed in interlaced mode. Set this option to [On] when 1080i, 720i or 576i (Standard(PAL)) is selected as the video output resolution on the PS3 system. If displaying in progressive mode at 1080p, 720p or 576p, the option should be set to [Off] for better picture quality. - View More: Sony Playstation3 Use Resolution and Flicker Reduction
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item228935/Use-Resolution-and-Flicker-Reduction/
Use Precision Zoom
Web pages are easier to view on PS3 with the Precision Zoom feature.
[Zoom] is an option under [Internet Browser] > [View] that automatically enlarges the area on the screen where the cursor is located. By analysing the Web page source, the system automatically calculatess the best enlargement rate based on the area where the cursor is located.
SIXAXIS Wireless Controller shortcut keys:
. Right stick (push down) (R3 button) - Switch to [Zoom] display / clear [Zoom]
. L2 button - Zoom out
- R2 button - Zoom in
When zooming in on text, the system calculates the enlargement rate based on the paragraph size of the text in the area where the cursor is located and then displays the text in zoom mode.When zooming in on an image, the system calculates the enlargement rate based on the size of the image in the area where the cursor is located and then displays the image in zoom mode.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Use Precision Zoom
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item228939/Use-Precision-Zoom/
Copy and paste text from web pages
Find out how to copy and paste text from pages you are browsing on the Internet with your PS3.
You can copy text from a page in the Internet browser, and then paste it into a text box or message.
Copying text
- Using the left stick, move the pointer to the location of the text that you want to copy, and then press the X button.
- Hold down the X button and move the left stick of the controller to select the text.
- Release the X button at the end of the text that you want to copy.
- Select [Copy] from the menu that is displayed.
Pasting copied text
You can paste copied text into a text box or message when the on-screen keyboard is displayed.
- Select [Paste] from the on-screen keyboard. A list of text items that have been copied from the Internet browser will be displayed.
- Select the text that you want to paste, and then press the X button.
- When using a connected keyboard (commercially available), you can press CTRL + V to paste previously copied text.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Copy and paste text from web pages
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item149615/Copy-and-paste-text-from-web-pages/
Search the Internet
Find out more about searching the Internet with your PS3.
You can perform an Internet search directly from the PS3 Home Menu screen. The PS3 system conducts the search based on a keyword or phrase that you enter.
1. Select Network > [Internet Search].
The on-screen keyboard is displayed.
2. Enter the keyword that you want to use for the search.
After entering the keyword, select the [Enter] key. A page showing the search results is displayed.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Search the Internet
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item109475/Search-the-Internet/
Enter text easily
Use a keyboard to complete text entry fields whilst surfing the Internet.
Using a commercially available USB keyboard, you can enter text directly in text entry fields of Web pages. If you place the cursor in the field and then press the [Enter] key of the USB keyboard, you can perform text entry.
- You may not be able to use this feature on some Web pages.
- Text entry in online text fields can be performed only when [1080i] or [1080p] has been set in [Video Output Settings] under Settings > [Display Settings].
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Enter text easily
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item63765/Enter-text-easily/