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    Use Resolution and Flicker Reduction

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      [Resolution] and [Flicker Reduction] are options under [Internet Browser] > [Tools]. You can adjust Web page size for optimal viewing based on the PS3 system's video output resolution. You can reduce flickering of the screen when outputting in interlace mode.

      [Resolution] adjusts the screen resolution of the Web page. When the PS3 system's video output setting is at either 1080p or 1080i, if you set this option to [-1] or [-2], the display will be enlarged and will be easier to view. When viewing at 576i (Standard(PAL)), set to [+1] or [+2].

      [Flicker Reduction] reduces flickering if it appears in characters, images or lines. This feature can also be disabled. You can use this option to reduce flickering of a screen that is displayed in interlaced mode. Set this option to [On] when 1080i, 720i or 576i (Standard(PAL)) is selected as the video output resolution on the PS3 system. If displaying in progressive mode at 1080p, 720p or 576p, the option should be set to [Off] for better picture quality.

    • View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224952/item228935/Use-Resolution-and-Flicker-Reduction/
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