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Changing your PlayStation Network account password
Find out how to change your PlayStation Network account password following system software update 3.61.
1. Select [Sign In] under PlayStation®Network on the XMB (XrossMediaBar) Menu.
2. Enter your sign-in ID (email address) and password, and then select [Sign In].
Enter the current sign-in ID (email address) and password for your PlayStation Network account, and ensure that you can receive messages at this email address.
3. Select [OK] from the screen that prompts you to change your password.
A screen for entering a new password is displayed.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to change your password.
After you have changed your password, you will be able to sign in to PlayStation Network.
- If the screen for entering a new password is not displayed after step 3, your PlayStation 3 system has never been activated on PlayStation Network using your account. In this case, an email message will be sent to your registered email address. Follow the instructions in the email message to access a website and change your password.
If you have forgotten your password
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to change it from the PlayStation Network website. Follow the instructions shown below.
1. Select [Sign In] under PlayStation®Network on the XMB Menu.
2. Select [Forgot your password?] on the sign-in screen.
3. Enter your sign-in ID (email address) and your date of birth, and then select [Continue].
Ensure that you can receive messages at this email address.
4. Check that your email address is correct, and then select [Confirm].
An email message will be sent to your registered email address. Follow the instructions in the email message to change your password. When you have changed your password, you will be able to sign in to PlayStation Network.
- If the PlayStation Network account you are using is a sub account, it may be necessary to first sign in using the master account to change the password.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Changing your PlayStation Network account password
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/playstation-network/detail/item370923/Changing-your-PlayStation-Network-account-password/
Create a PlayStation Network account on your PS3 and access PlayStation Network for free
Want to set up a PlayStation Network account on your PS3? Follow this simple guide to find out how to get the most out of your PS3.
1. Access PlayStation Network via the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) and highlight [Sign Up for PlayStation®Network], then press the X button to continue.
2. Select [Create a New Account (New Users)].
3. This screen will inform you of the required information to set up your new account. Select [Continue].
4. Use the directional buttons to highlight the drop-down menus and enter your Country/Region of Residence, Language and Date of Birth.
Check that you have entered the correct information, and select [Continue].
5. Press the up button or the down button to read the Terms of Service and User Agreement/Privacy Policy, then highlight [Accept] and press the X button to confirm.
6. Highlight each box to enter your information, and press the X button to access the virtual keyboard.
Use the virtual keyboard to enter your details. Press the START button after each answer to confirm that the details are correct.
7. Enter your own Online ID. Think of a great name or nickname for yourself.
Your Online ID will be used in communal areas within PlayStation Network. Press the X button to check the availability of your Online ID - someone else may already be called Aragon3010. Once you have entered your own Online ID, the system will check that it is available, and if it is not, you will have to enter a different Online ID.
8. Select [OK] to confirm your Online ID and then select [Continue].
9. Enter your First Name, Last Name and Gender and select [Continue].
Use the virtual keyboard to input your details.
10. Enter your home address.
Use the virtual keyboard to input your details.
11. Press the X button to let us know if you would like to receive updates on PlayStation products and services, and then select [Continue].
If you choose to receive any information, it will be sent to the email address entered at step 6.
12. Check that the details entered are all correct, and then select [Confirm].
If your details are not correct, select [Edit] and change the information.
13. Congratulations! You have now created your very own PlayStation Network account.
Select [OK] and visit PlayStation Store to discover a world of fresh entertainment for your PS3.
You now have free access to PlayStation Network, where you can play online games for free, upload your own creations and download games, demos, trailers and much much more from PlayStation Store.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Create a PlayStation Network account on your PS3 and access PlayStation Network for free
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/playstation-network/detail/item269156/Create-a-PlayStation-Network-account-on-your-PS3%2C-and-access-PlayStation-Network-for-free-/
Activate Deactivate your PS3
Make sure your PS3 system is set up correctly to download PlayStation Network content.
For certain types of PlayStation Network content, the PlayStation 3 system that the content is intended to be used on must be activated by the PlayStation Network account that purchased the content.
This is an important requirement as, if the correct PS3 system is not activated, then it can not be used to access the content that you may have purchased.
A maximum of five game systems may be registered to a single PlayStation Network account at any one time. If you wish to deactivate a PS3 system from your PlayStation Network account, you must do so by accessing the PlayStation Network account with the registered PS3 system you wish to deactivate.
As of 18 November 2011, users can play game content purchased from PlayStation Store on up to two PS3 systems. This update will not affect game content purchased before 18 November 18 2011.
Activate/Deactivate a PS3 system
1. Sign in to your PlayStation Network account via the PlayStation 3 system
On the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar) Menu, go to PlayStation Network > [Sign In].
2. Go to [Account Management]
Highlight [Account Management] and press the X button.
3. Go to [System Activation]
Highlight [System Activation] and press the X button.
4. Choose your system
Highlight [PS3™ System] and press the X button.
5. Select your content
Select the type of content you want your PS3 system to use and press the X button.6. Activate/Deactivate your system
Highlight [Activate System] or [Deactivate System] as required and press the X button. Your PS3 system is now activated/deactivated. Highlight [OK} and press the X button to complete the process. - View More: Sony Playstation3 Activate Deactivate your PS3
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/playstation-network/detail/item308379/Activate-Deactivate-your-PS3/
Adjust custom settings
Find out how to adjust custom setting when connecting to the Internet.
In certain network environments, some settings may not be adjusted automatically by selecting [Easy]. Refer to the information below and also follow the on-screen instructions to adjust custom settings.
Ethernet operation mode
Specify the Ethernet data transfer rate and operation method. You can usually select [Auto-Detect].IP Address Setting
Specify the method for obtaining an IP address when connecting to the Internet. The method varies depending on the Internet service provider you use.Automatic: Use the IP address allocated by the DHCP server.
Manual: Enter the IP address manually.
PPPoE: Connect to the Internet using PPPoE. Enter the user name and password supplied by your Internet service provider.DHCP host name
Specify the DHCP server host name. You can usually select [Do Not Set].DNS Setting
Specify the DNS server. The method varies depending on the Internet service provider you use.Automatic: System acquires the DNS server address automatically.
Manual: Enter the DNS server address manually. Enter the IP addresses of the primary and secondary DNS servers that
are supplied by your Internet service provider.MTU
Specify the MTU value used when transmitting data. You can usually select [Automatic].Proxy Server
Specify the proxy server to be used. You can usually select [Do Not Use].UPnP
Enable or disable UPnP (Universal Plug and Play). You can usually select [Enable].Note:
- If [UPnP] is set to [Disable], online communication may be restricted when using the voice / video chat feature or communication features in games.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Adjust custom settings
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item433144/Adjust-custom-settings/
Viewing the users guide
Use the PS3 system's Internet browser to view the online user's guide.
On the XMB (XrossMediaBar), go to Network > [Online Instruction Manuals], and then press the X button.
You can also access the online user's guide on the PC version of eu.playstation.com - head over to eu.playstation.com/ps3/support/manuals to check it out now.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Viewing the users guide
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item374205/Viewing-the-users-guide/
Setting up your network
View examples of wired and wireless network configurations.
Example of a network configuration (wired)
1. Network gateway device such as a DSL modem.
- The connection method may vary depending on the environment in use. For example, you may be able to connect Ethernet cables directly into the wall outlet in housing complex units that have preinstalled LAN ports. If you are using such a network environment, you do not need a network gateway device.
- Dial-up Internet is not recommended.
2. Router.
- A router is a device that enables multiple devices to be connected to one Internet line. A router is necessary if a PC and a PS3 system will be connected to the Internet at the same time using one Internet connection. A router is not necessary if the DSL or cable modem or other network device has built-in router functionality.
3. Ethernet cable.
Example of a network configuration (wireless)
1. Network gateway device such as a DSL modem.
- The connection method may vary depending on the environment in use. For example, you may be able to connect Ethernet cables directly into the wall outlet in housing complex units that have preinstalled LAN ports. If you are using such a network environment, you do not need a network gateway device.
- Dial-up Internet is not recommended.
2. Wireless router (access point).
- A router is a device that enables multiple devices to be connected to one Internet line. A router is necessary if a PC and a PS3 system will be connected to the Internet at the same time using one Internet connection. A router is not necessary if the DSL or cable modem or other network device has built-in router functionality.
- A wireless router is a device that adds access point functionality to a router.
- Images may vary depending on the model or the software version in use.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Setting up your network
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item347583/Setting-up-your-network/
Obtain the MAC address
How to obtain the PS3 system's MAC address.
All devices that connect to the Internet, including PlayStation 3, contain a network adapter. Each network adapter has a unique code to identify it, known as a MAC address.
Follow these instructions to obtain the PS3 system's MAC address.
- Select Settings on the PS3 Home Menu.
- Navigate down and select [System Settings].
- Select [System Information]. Here you will find your MAC address. Be sure to note down the entire code, including colons.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Obtain the MAC address
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item97812/Obtain-the-MAC-address/
Use a wired connection
Connect your PS3 to the Internet using an Ethernet connection.
If you have an Ethernet broadband connection, follow these step-by-step instructions to get your PS3 online.
Before you get started, please ensure you have an Ethernet modem or router and a Cat5 Ethernet cable.
- On the PS3 Home Menu, browse to Settings > [Network Settings] > [Internet Connection] and select [Enable].
- Scroll down to [Internet Connection Settings] and press the X button. You will be asked if you want to continue; select [Yes].
- When asked for a [Setting Method], select [Easy]. You will now be asked for your preferred connection method; select [Wired Connection].
- Using an Ethernet cable (sold separately), connect the LAN connector on the back of your PS3 to the LAN socket on your internet router. From the [Address Settings] screen, select [Easy]. The PS3 system will display your network settings; press the X button to save them.
- Press the X button to start a connection test. If the test is successful, then you have connected your PS3 to the Internet.
Note: If the test fails, your network may require you to enter the PS3 system's MAC address. For information on obtaining the MAC address, see the related guide at eu.playstation.com.
- On the PS3 Home Menu, browse to Settings > [Network Settings] > [Internet Connection] and select [Enable].
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Use a wired connection
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item97808/Use-a-wired-connection/
Use a Wireless connection
Connect your PS3 to the Internet using a Wireless Internet connection.
If you have a Wireless broadband connection, follow these step-by-step instructions to get your PS3 online.
Before you get started, please ensure:
- You know your SSID, which is essentially your Internet connection's name
- Your router is set up to broadcast the SSID, so that your PS3 can find it
- You know your WEP or WPA security key, if your broadband connection has one enabled (recommended)
If you do not know your SSID or your security key, speak to the person who configured your Internet connection or contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP).
- On the PS3 Home Menu, browse to Settings > [Network Settings] > [Internet Connection] and select [Enable].
- Scroll down to [Internet Connection Settings] and press the X button. You will be asked if you want to continue, select [Yes].
- When asked for a [Setting Method], select [Easy].You will be asked for your preferred connection method; select [Wireless].
- From the next window, select [Scan]. You will see a list of Wireless connections in your area. Highlight your SSID and press the X button.
- Press the right button to continue. Do not press the X button as this will edit your SSID.
- You now need to select the type of security key used by your Internet connection. If your connection has no security key, select [None] and press the X button. You will see a summary of your connection details; press the X button to save them and proceed to testing.
- If you have a security key enabled, select either [WEP] or [WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK]. Press the X button to bring up the keyboard and enter your key, bearing in mind it is case sensitive. Press the START button to close the keyboard and press the right button to proceed.
- Press the X button to save your settings and proceed to testing.
- Select [Test Connection] and wait. If the test is successful, then you have connected your PS3 to the Internet.
Note: If the test fails, your network device may require you to enter the PS3 system's MAC address. For information on obtaining the MAC address, see the related guide at eu.playstation.com.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Use a Wireless connection
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item97816/Use-a-Wireless-connection/
Connect to the Internet
Connecting your PlayStation 3 to the Internet opens up a world of online entertainment.
Whether you want to play online, keep in touch with friends or download exclusive games and media from PlayStation Network, this section will guide you through getting your PS3 online.
Before you get started, check that you have a working Internet connection. In addition, you will need:- A PlayStation 3 system
- A high speed internet account with an Internet Service Provider (ISP)
- A wireless router compatible with 802.11b or 802.11g Wireless standards or an Ethernet (non-wireless) router and an Ethernet cable.
If you are having problems with your broadband connection or you are unsure which type of router you have, speak to the person who set up your account or contact your ISP.
Connect to the Internet
If network settings are already completed, the PS3 system will automatically connect to the Internet when the system is turned on. The connection will remain active as long as the system is on.
Using the Internet browser
1 Select Network > [Internet Browser], and then press the X button.
The Internet browser opens. A busy icon (1) is displayed while the page is loading.
Basic operations of the Internet browser:
- Directional buttons: Move the pointer to a link.
- Right stick: Scroll in the desired direction.
- L1 button: Go back to the previous page.
- START button: Enter an address.
- Triangle button: Switch between displaying and not displaying the menu.
Viewing the user's guide
You can use the Internet browser to view the online user's guide for the PS3 system. Select Network > [Online Instruction Manuals], and then press the X button.
You can also access the online user's guide ateu.playstation.com/ps3/support/manuals.
This guide contains detailed information about using the PS3 system.
Creating a PlayStation Network account
By creating a PlayStation Network account, you can enjoy communicating with your Friends or download games or videos from PlayStation Store.
Select PlayStation®Network > [Sign Up for PlayStation®Network], and then press the X button. The screen for creating an account will be displayed.
- An Internet connection is required to create an account.
- PlayStation Network service content may vary depending on the region.
- Images may vary depending on the model or the software version in use.
- View More: Sony Playstation3 Connect to the Internet
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/network/detail/linked224956/item97804/Connect-to-the-Internet/