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    Redeem a voucher code

    • Answer
    • If you have a PlayStation Network voucher code, follow these step-by-step instructions to find out how you can redeem it at PlayStation Store.

      1. Sign in to your PlayStation Network account.

      2. Visit PlayStation Store via your PlayStation 3 system, PSP system, or Media Go for PSP on your PC.

      3. Select the [Redeem Codes] icon from the [Store Top]

      4. Enter your 12-character promotion code and select [Continue].

      5. Select [Continue] and follow the on-screen instructions to redeem the voucher code

      6. Once complete, the downloaded product with be accessible from the XMB (XrossMediaBar).

    • View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/playstation-network/detail/item235107/Redeem-a-voucher-code/
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