- Question
Restore default settings
- Answer
Find out important information about restoring your PS3 settings data.
You can restore from the current settings under Settings to the default settings by selecting Settings > [System Settings] > [Restore Default Settings].
After you complete the operation and restart the system, the initial setup screen will be displayed. Follow the on-screen instructions to perform initial setup of the system software.
- If you restore the default settings or restore the PS3™ system, changes to the settings cannot be undone. Data loss or corruption is the responsibility of the user.
- Do not turn off the PS3 system during this operation. If the operation is cancelled before completion, the system software may become damaged, and the system may require servicing or exchange.
- During this operation, the power button on the system and the PS button on the wireless controller are not active.
- You cannot use this feature to go back to an earlier version of the system software.
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/general/detail/linked391089/item391123/Restore-default-settings/
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