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    Stereoscopic 3D frequently asked questions

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    • Understand the basics of this exciting new way to experience games on your PS3.

      How does the 3D technology work?
      3D relies on the fact that you are seeing two slightly different images at the same time, the difference between these giving you the perception of depth. For 3D, the TV uses a high refresh rate to display alternate full screen images for the left and right eye. These are then synchronised to the 3D glasses to give a good 3D experience. Visit sony.co.uk to find out more.

      How can I check that 3D will work for me?
      If you have any concerns about whether 3D will work for you, visit your local Sony centre and try it out. Go to sony.co.uk to find your nearest Sony centre.

      What do I need to play 3D game content using my PlayStation 3?
      In order to play 3D games on your PS3, you will need the following:

      • A TV capable of displaying 3D images, such as a BRAVIA® 3D TV from Sony.
      • Active Shutter Glasses for Sony brand TVs or polarised glasses for other brands which sync with the TV you've got.
      • 3D game content available on your PS3.
      • PS3 system software update 3.30 or later installed.

      You also need to make sure you are using the correct cable to connect the TV to the PS3 system and this is most likely to be an HDMI cable.

      Where can I obtain 3D games from to play on my PS3?
      Visit PlayStation Store now to download the 3D Collection game pack, which features 3D versions of Super Stardust HDPainWipEout HD and a demo for MotorStorm Pacific Rift, all playable in amazing 3D. Look out for more 3D games for PS3 available from all good retailers where you see this logo.

      Can I play 3D content on my PS3 using a 3D computer monitor rather than a TV?
      No, a 3D TV and appropriate glasses are required to play 3D content on PlayStation 3.

      Why do I require glasses to enjoy 3D content on my PS3?
      For TV and gaming you need a wide viewing angle and this is not currently possible without glasses.

      Adding the 3D glasses on top of standard glasses isn't very good; would it be one day possible to combine them?
      We are constantly looking into the design of 3D glasses to make them slimmer, lighter and more comfortable for all users.

      I already have 3D glasses from the cinema; can I use these with a 3D TV?
      These will not work with Sony TVs. However, they may be compatible with TVs by other manufacturers.

      Can I play 3D games even if I don't have a 3D TV?
      Yes, 3D games will play on a 3D or non-3D TV as long as you select the correct setting from the in-game options. In this case, the games will not be viewable in 3D, and will play as standard games instead.

      Do I have to be exactly in front of the TV to view 3D or can I be a little bit on the side?
      With 3D active glasses, you can be off centre as there is about a 120 degree range and the glasses will work up to 10 metres away from the screen. Polarised lenses, such as the ones used in cinemas, are less flexible and so the further to the side you move from the TV screen, the less 3D effect you will see.

      When will it be possible to play 3D Blu-ray Disc movies on PlayStation 3?
      The PS3 system software will be updated later in 2010 to support playback of 3D movies on PS3.

      Where can I find out more about 3D TV technology and how it works?
      Visit sony.co.uk to discover the 3D world created by Sony.

    • View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/games/detail/linked298888/item298897/Stereoscopic-3D-frequently-asked-questions/
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