- Question
Upscale DVD output
- Answer
Find out how you can improve the picture quality when playing back DVDs.
You can upscale the video content of DVDs to HD resolution. In order to benefit from this feature, you will need a HD ready television.
What is upscaling?
Upscaling is a feature for taking video that was recorded at SD resolution (576p/576i) and displaying it at HD resolution (1080p/1080i/720p). Because the video content of PlayStation format software, PlayStation 2 format software, and commercial DVDs is recorded at SD resolution, higher quality video can be achieved by enabling upscaled output.
Upscaling DVD output
[DVD Upscaler] is an option in [BD/DVD Settings] under Settings. This enables users to adjust settings for upscaled output of DVDs.
[Off]: Disable upscaled output.
[Double Scale]*: Upscale and display with double horizontal and vertical dimensions without changing the proportions.
[Normal]: Upscale and display at a size that matches the screen size.
[Full Screen]: Upscale and display at full screen by changing proportions and stretching the image
* This option can be used only when the video output of the PS3 system is set to 1080p/1080i.- When playing copyright-protected DVD content such as commercially available DVD-Video, an HDMI cable is required to upscale output.
- If image quality is reduced or the image does not look right when upscaled, set this option to [Off].
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/movies/detail/linked224928/item229318/Upscale-DVD-output/
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