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[Scene Search] is an option on the Video control panel that lets you get to the right place on your video more quickly.
You can use this feature to view thumbnails that are created at certain time intervals for video content that is saved on the hard disk or storage media. Select a thumbnail to start playing the video from that particular scene. To use the feature, perform the following steps:
1. While playing a video, press the Triangle button.
2. Select [Scene Search].
3. Use the up or down button to select the time interval to be used in creating the thumbnails. You can select [Chapter] or one of various time intervals.
4. Use the left or right button to select the thumbnail for the scene that you want to watch. Playback begins from the scene that you select.
- The [Chapter] option can only be selected for video content that includes chapter information.
- The scene search feature cannot be used for video content that is less than one minute in length.
- The scene search feature cannot be used for some other types of video content.
- When you select a thumbnail, a preview of the scene is played for about 15 seconds.
- View Answer at http://uk.playstation.com/ps3/support/movies/detail/linked224928/item124958/Use-Scene-Search/
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