- Question
Dishwasher troubleshooting
- Answer
Problems you can try fixing Problem What to do Dishwasher is damaging crockery Check you're loading your dishwasher properly - your user manual will show you how. The timer or programmer isn't working properly Some dishwashers have an Economy 7 or delayed timer setting to save money and work at night - if your dishwasher does, check if this is on. Check you're using cleaning salts, rinse aids and tablets correctly.
Dishwasher is making a noise Turn off the electricity to the appliance at your fuse box / consumer unit. Check the spray arms can revolve freely without catching on anything (there's usually one arm at the bottom of the dishwasher and one under the first shelf).
Problems you need an engineer for Problem What to do Dishwasher keeps blowing a fuse or tripping the circuit breaker the soap dispenser is faulty or there's a problem with my dishwasher door
If you have Kitchen Appliance Cover and your dishwasher is covered, please call us on
0800 294 9650*.My dishwasher
keeps filling with
water when switched offIf you can, turn the isolation tap to the dishwasher off (the isolation tap is usually under the kitchen sink), then, if you have Kitchen Appliance Cover and your dishwasher is covered, please call us0800 294 9650* *Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
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