- Question
Do I get a discount for paying by Direct Debit
- Answer
Yes*. On average, a customer paying by Direct Debit will receive a discount, totalling £27 for gas and £40 for electricity over a year. This discount is deducted from your bill on a quarterly basis. This is in addition to any discount you may receive for being a dual fuel customer.
Gas customers paying by Direct Debit will receive a discount off their Tier 2 consumption charges of 0.196 p/kWh, up to a maximum of £16.25 per quarter (or £5.42 per month for monthly billing customers).
Electricity customers paying by Direct Debit will receive a discount off their Tier 2 consumption charges (and night rates where applicable) of 1.873 p/kWh up to a maximum of £10 (inc VAT) per quarter (or £3.33 per month for monthly billing customers.
The discount is rounded up and includes VAT at 5%. It will vary according to seasonal consumption.
Average annual consumption (as at January 2011) is assumed as:
- 16,500 kWh for gas
- 3,300 kWh for single rate electricity
You can find out how to set up a Direct Debit here.
*Please note: If you have an outstanding balance, over 28 days old, then the discount does not apply.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=3396
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