Home / Product Selection / Energy / Pay As You Go / Do I get a discount if you supply both my Pay As You Go gas and electricity?
- Question
Do I get a discount if you supply both my Pay As You Go gas and electricity?
- Answer
Yes. With the Dual Fuel discount, you get up to £15 per year (including VAT) if we supply gas and electricity to your home. Both accounts must be in the same name at the same property on 31 August each year to qualify for the discount.
There's no need to register for the Dual Fuel discount. The money will be credited to you within 3 months of 31 August.
If you haven't been with British Gas for a full 12 months before this date, we'll calculate a pro-rata amount.
Not available to Token or Smartcard customers.
If you have any queries about your Dual Fuel Discount you can contact ususing our online form.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=2204
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