- Question
How are my Payment Card instalments worked out?
- Answer
First we forecast your energy usage, then we calculate your payments. We review your payments regularly - usually twice a year.
Forecasting your energy usage
New customer: we estimate your future energy usage based on our knowledge of seasonal weather patterns and information you give us when you join - particularly how much energy you used with your previous supplier. If this information is not available, we'll ask you some questions about your home so we can help make a more accurate estimate.
Existing customer: we look at seasonal weather patterns and your previous energy usage, based on the meter readings that we have for your account.
Calculating your payments
We calculate the likely cost of your energy for the year ahead by combining:
- your predicted energy usage (see above)
- your current tariff
- any outstanding balance on your account (for existing customers)
We then split this total annual cost into equal fortnightly or monthly payments. For most people, this means your account will be in debit in the winter or credit during the summer - levelling out by the end of the year.
This graph shows how energy usage could vary throughout the year but your payments stay the same.
Reviewing your account
We review your payments usually twice a year so they reflect your actual energy usage and latest prices. It's important to make sure you're paying the right amount so you're not building up a big debit or credit on your account.
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