Home / Product Selection / Energy / Pay As You Go / How do I check my weekly recovery rate?
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    How do I check my weekly recovery rate?

    • Answer
    • Gas:

      You can check your weekly recovery rate on your meter:

      1. Make sure your card is not in the meter.
      2. Press the red button A once to activate the screen.
      3. Wait for the Please wait message to disappear.
      4. Press and hold red button A until you hear a beep.
      5. Check the bottom right of your screen to see what number screen you're on. Keep pressing the red button until you reach screen 27.

      Screen 27: Total amount owed if you have energy debt

      Screen 25: Minimum amount per meter week to pay off a energy debt (your weekly recovery rate)


      You can check how much you have left to pay

      1. Insert the key into the meter.
      2. Press the blue button to move through screens.
        • See your balance on screen S - if screen S shows £0.00 you've finished paying your debt. Remember that if you've been using your Emergency Credit, you may still have this to pay back.

        • See your weekly recovery rate on screen T.

    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3697
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