- Question
How does Quarterly Variable Direct Debit work?
- Answer
Quarterly Variable Direct Debit is an alternative to monthly fixed Direct Debit that allows you to pay for the actual amount of energy you use. This means you pay more in winter when your usage is highest, but less in summer.
By choosing to pay your bill by Quarterly Variable Direct Debit, we'll automatically take the full amount of your quarterly bill from your bank account - so you don't have to remember to pay your bill. We will always send you your bill 10 working days before we take the payment - so you can check it's right, and give us a more recent, accurate meter reading if required. As with all Direct Debit payment arrangements, you are protected by the Direct Debit guarantee.
To set up a Quarterly Variable Direct Debit you'll need the following information:
- An up to date meter reading.
- Your sort code and bank account details.
- Your British Gas customer reference number.
Once you have this information please call us on 0800 048 0202*, and we will set up the arrangement for you. We're open weekdays 8am - 8pm and Saturdays 8am - 6pm.
Prefer to pay your energy bills through a monthly variable Direct Debit? Why not try EnergySmart™.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
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