- Question
How does a payment card work?
- Answer
A Payment Card is a way of paying for your energy and spreading the cost of your bills throughout the year. It means you don't pay more in the winter when you use more energy.
You can choose to pay for your energy fortnightly or monthly. However, unlike Direct Debit, you will not receive a discount if you pay by this method,read more about Direct Debit discounts.
You'll find details of your instalment amounts and frequency on your quarterly statement. If you are on our payment card scheme you can pay your regular instalments by:
- making a payment online by debit or credit card
- paying by phone, using our 24 hour automated service on
0800 107 0224,* using a debit or credit card - using your Payment Card to make cash payments at a Post Office or PayPoint outlet.
Find your nearest Post Office.
Find your nearest PayPoint outlet.As we issue you with separate cards for your gas and electricity, remember to use the right card each time so you don't go into debit on either account.Please note: If you are a Combined energy billing customer you'll just use one card to pay both your gas and electricity.
A Payment Card is not the same as Pay As You Go (also known as Pre-pay), see our Help and Advice for Pay As You Go Energy™.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=5091
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