Home / Product Selection / Energy / Boiler Maintenance / How many callouts am I allowed before my price goes up?
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How many callouts am I allowed before my price goes up?
- Answer
Your agreement price is based on a number of factors and is not exclusively calculated on the number of times that you call us out to fix your boiler or central heating system. If you have a HomeCare® agreement with us, you can call us for any problem, large or small with no additional charge in that agreement year.
However, your renewal price the following year will take into account the number of times you have called us out over the previous 2 years to fix a problem. As a result you may therefore see a difference in the renewal price of your agreement.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3040
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