- Question
How you repay an outstanding balance through your gas meter?
- Answer
To repay an outstanding balance, we first agree a weekly amount that will be taken through your gas meter. We then take the agreed amount from the top ups you make. On a gas meter a week runs from Wednesday morning to Tuesday night.
If you top up by less than the agreed amount, we don't take the full amount of your top up to pay your debt. We take 90% of the amount you top up and leave 10% for gas until the agreed weekly amount is reached.
So if your agreed amount is £10 and you top up £10, we will take £9 and leave you £1 for gas. This means you still owe £1, which we will take next time you top up that week.
Once you've paid your weekly amount, any further top ups will go onto your meter in full - until the next Wednesday when it starts again.
What if I don't top up every week?
It is part of the agreement to top up your meter with credit every week even if you aren't using gas to make sure the meter can collect the debt to the agreed repayment schedule and so you have credit available for fuel.If you don't keep up the repayment schedule, we take an amount each night from the meter (2/7ths of whatever is on the meter) until repayments are brought back on date. If you don't use your meter, we will try to take the weekly repayments you've missed the next time you use it.
Struggling to make your weekly payments?
To help you with your debt repayment, we can arrange for your weekly recovery to be increased or decreased for short periods of time to suit your lifestyle.Contact us online or over the phone on 0800 048 0303*. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Your debt might not appear on your meter straight away. If this is the case, we will always write and let you know when it will be added.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes
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