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    I have no electricity

    • Answer
      1. check your trip-switch(s) or fuse(s) to see if there is a fault with your wiring or an appliance. If all your appliances are affected see 2) below
      2. check if your neighbours are affected. If so, it's possible the power is off in your local area so please contact your local electricity network operator - they should be able to give further guidance and say roughly how long the power will be off for
      3. turn off appliances, but keep one light on so that you know when the power comes back on
      4. if it's just your home affected and you have Home Electrical Care, please call us on 0800 980 6004*. If you don't have cover with us, we can provide one-off repairs, call 0800 000 999*

      If you have a Pay as you go meter, see our advice for Pay As You Go Energy™ customers , without electricity.

      Safety advice if you are without electricity:

      • don't use your gas cooker to heat your home - they are not designed for this purpose and this can cause carbon monoxide poisoning.
      • be careful with other forms of heating and lighting, such as paraffin heaters and candles

      For more advice on problems you may be able to fix yourself, see theBritish Gas Electricity Troubleshooter.

      *Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.

    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3340
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