Home / Product Selection / Energy / Boiler Maintenance / I only took out my HomeCare® agreement last year. Why has my price gone up so much from my original purchase price?
- Question
I only took out my HomeCare® agreement last year. Why has my price gone up so much from my original purchase price?
- Answer
When you join us as a new customer, the limited information we have about you and your circumstances means that we have to estimate your joining price. However, as our relationship with you grows, we learn more about you, your boiler and central heating system, and our prices sometimes adjust to reflect this.
This adjustment may apply to all our HomeCare® products, including standalone Plumbing Care™, Plumbing & Drains Care™ and Home Electrical Care™. It may also apply to customers who pay a fixed fee per completed repair with our Flexi™ range of products.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3052
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