- Question
I pay by Direct Debit, and my account is in credit. Can I have a refund?
- Answer
During the year, you may find your account is in credit - particularly over the summer months when you use less energy. We recommend keeping this credit on your account to pay for the extra energy you'll use over the winter and avoid your account going into debit later in the year.
We automatically refund the money into your bank account at the end of the payment year if:
- your account is more than £100 in credit, and
- we've got an accurate meter reading.
If your account is less than £100 in credit, we automatically put this money towards next year's bills. This helps keep your monthly payments as low as possible.
If however you would still like to get a refund before the end of the plan year, just:
- log into your online account
- select the account you want a refund for, by clicking 'view account', this will take you to your account summary page
- from here scroll down and on the right you'll see a 'Direct Debit option box
- select the 'your plan' option which will take you to your payment scheme details page
- about half way down on this page, just select 'Request a Refund'
This will allow you to refund any credit you may have on your account. The refund will be in your bank account within 4 working days.
If you haven't got an online account with us, it's easy to register for one now.
More questions about refunds? Send us an online enquiry.
Alternatively you can call us on 0800 048 0202*
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=762
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