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Learn more about 3D Secure
- Answer
'3D Secure' is a free service from Visa and MasterCard in association with your issuing bank and over 50,000 retailers. Register for this service and you'll be allocated a Personal Message asking you to create a password to be used when making online purchases. Input this additional password along with your card number details before you can complete your transaction. This adds a whole new layer of security to your online experience.
What are Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode?
They are two systems that help combat fraud by providing greater protection to customers when you shop online. Both operate in an identical manner - one applies if you use Visa cards and the other when you use MasterCard or Maestro branded cards.
Why is it called 3D Secure?
'3D Secure' stands for "3 Domain Secure" because there are 3 parties involved in the process: britishgas.co.uk, our Bank, and Visa or MasterCard.What are the system requirements for 3D Secure?
Verified by Visa and Mastercard Securecode work with most browsers. Please be aware that software which prevents pop-up windows opening, may interfere with your use of 3D Secure.
Why has my payment been declined by 3D Secure?
Unfortunately we do not get told why your payment has been declined. You will need to contact your issuing bank to find out more details.
Are there any alternatives to payment with 3D secure?
If you have been unsuccessful in making a payment through this method please use our 24 hour automated payment service on 0800 107 0224.
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