- Question
My radiator is making a noise
- Answer
Different radiator noises have different causes and different solutions - often easy fixes that you can try yourself:
This is caused by a water flow rate through the radiator that's too high. Solve it by turning the radiator valve fully on by turning the taps anticlockwise.
A ticking radiator is completely normal - it's just the radiator warming up or cooling down. If the noise is coming from under the floor, it's probably due to pipes expanding and rubbing on the flooring or joists - again, usually nothing to worry about.
This can be caused by an incorrectly fitted thermostatic radiator valve. If you've recently had to move a radiator or had a new radiator installed, the problem may be that the valves may have been mistakenly swapped over.
To get this fixed, contact the installer.
Still concerned about the noise? Book a callout.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=17,CASE=2741
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