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    My wall heater isn't working properly

    • Answer
    • It's not easy to tell exactly why a wall heater isn't working properly. But before you call an engineer, try these tips to see if you can fix it yourself:

      • check the gas and electrical supplies to the wall heater are turned on. It's surprising how easily they can get accidentally switched off
      • if you've got a permanent pilot light, check it hasn't gone out -this is a very common problem with older appliances. To relight, follow the instructions on the wall heater
      • has the wall heater been lit properly? Check in the user manual if you're not sure
      • check the control tap is turned on once the heater has been lit
      • try turning the control tap to the highest setting for a short while
      • are other gas appliances affected? If so the problem is bigger and you need to book a callout

      Whenever you're checking the wall heater, always check with the user manual that you're doing it correctly. There are also usually some user instructions on the appliance control panel.

      Still not working?

      If you've done all the checks and still can't get the wall heater to work properly, book a callout.

    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=17,CASE=4582
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