Home / Product Selection / Energy / Billing / Should I get a pay as you go meter installed to help pay off my bill?
  • Question

    Should I get a pay as you go meter installed to help pay off my bill?

    • Answer
    • For some people, switching to Pay As You Go Energy™ may be a good way to pay off outstanding bills and manage your payments in the future.

      Call us on 0800 107 7064 * to discuss whether getting a pay as you go meter is the right option for you.

      If you decide to go ahead, we'll decide together how much you'll need to pay every week. We'll also send you a booklet which should answer any questions you have.

      The installation appointment
      Our engineer will come to your home to exchange your meter for a pay as you go meter. This will take about 30 minutes.

      The engineer will make sure your gas/electricity supply is on and you'll be able to use an amount of emergency credit, which will be deducted when you first top up.

      What happens next
      We'll write to you to confirm your final balance, make sure you're happy with your new meter and give you the contact details for our Pay As You Go Energy™ team.

      *Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.

    • View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=3982
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