- Question
The radiator's air release valve is leaking
- Answer
There are a number of reasons why the air release valve might be leaking. Before calling an engineer for help, we recommend:
- Tightening the air release valve (clockwise - but do not force). If this fails to cure the leak turn off the radiator at both valves (wheelhead/thermostatic3 radiator valve and lockshield valve).
- Containing the water leak temporarily. A plastic bag tucked behind the radiator may help direct the water to a suitable container.
If you're not quite sure how to carry out any of these checks, it's always a good idea to have a look at the radiator manufacturer's guidelines for help. And if you try all of the above and the problem persists, we recommend booking an engineer.
3 In very cold weather, unless the thermostatic radiator valve has a dedicated 'off' position, the valve may automatically open if the room temperature drops significantly
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