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What free energy efficiency products can I get when I become an energyshare member?
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When you become a member of energyshare, you'll also be able to choose from the following free products. They're all designed to help you to save energy, and reduce your carbon emissions at home (and to save money of course).
You can choose from:
- an electricity monitor - this provides you with a real time estimate of your electricity consumption. It's simple to set up and has been shown that it can help you to save around 10% of your annual electricity bill
- a single socket standby saver - this plug socket automatically turns the TV off when the remote control is used to switch it to standby, saving any electricity that would be wasted by leaving your TV in standby mode
- a water widget and Eco Kettle - this bundle can change the way you use water in the home. The Eco Kettle can help you save 31% on your energy use every time you boil water and the water widget connects to your shower to reduce the water it uses by up to 70%
- radiator panels - these simple panels slide behind your radiators to reflect heat back into the room rather than out of the windows and through the walls, helping you to save energy and money
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