- Question
What if your engineer cannot fix my boiler, plumbing, drains or home electrics and you have to send another engineer, is this classed as a callout
- Answer
We do our best to resolve problems on the first callout, but sometimes you need to call us out again. If you're calling about the original problem which is not fixed, we will not class this as an additional callout.
If we have to send another engineer:
Our engineers are carefully selected to make sure their skills are appropriate for your problem. Sometimes a second opinion or an engineer with more specialist skills is required. This is classed as part of the same problem, and is not an additional callout.As well as to repairs under HomeCare®, this also applies to repairs under standalone Plumbing Care™, Plumbing & Drains Care™ and Home Electrical Care™. It also applies to customers on our Flexi™ range of products who pay a fixed fee per completed repair.
*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=3071
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