- Question
What is the energyshare tariff?
- Answer
energyshare is our exciting new tariff, which matches the electricity you use with electricity from 100% British renewable sources - at the same price as our Standard tariff. For every unit of electricity you use, we will supply the same amount of electricity back into the grid from renewable sources such as offshore wind farms, like Lynn and Inner Dowsing off the coast of Lincolnshire.
As an energyshare tariff member you'll also get a free energy saving gadget and we'll make a contribution to the energyshare fund for every year you're with us. The energyshare tariff is independently certified as meeting Ofgem's Green Supply Guidelines so when you sign up you can be confident that you'll be making a real, measurable environmental difference without paying more.
There's more to energyshare than just a tariff. British Gas and River Cottage are energyshare's founding partners, it gives everyone the opportunity to get involved in sourcing, using and even generating their renewable energy. Energyshare is giving individuals and communities more control over where their energy comes from, bringing people together in person and online to help community renewable energy projects that are already happening and to inspire and support even more.
By being a member of the energyshare tariff you are supporting this community through the energyshare fund and will get the chance to vote on it's spent. You can find out more at www.energyshare.com
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