- Question
What types of Direct Debit arrangement are available?
- Answer
Monthly fixed Direct Debit
Spread your energy costs more evenly throughout the year and know exactly what your bills are each month.We review the monthly fixed amount usually twice a year to make sure they reflect your energy usage and current tariff.
Variable Direct Debit
You pay for the actual amount of energy you use each month or quarter, as you would for a phone bill. You pay more in winter when your energy usage is highest, and less in summerThere are two types of variable Direct Debits:
- Monthly variable Direct Debit (EnergySmart only customers)
- Quarterly variable Direct Debit
We recommend you submit regular meter readings so you only pay for what you use.
This graph shows how a quarterly Direct Debit could vary according to your energy usage throughout the year.
We'll send you a bill 10 days before we collect your Direct Debit payment.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=0,CASE=3388
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