Home / Product Selection / Energy / Boiler Maintenance / Why do you look at the last 2 years of my callout history?
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Why do you look at the last 2 years of my callout history?
- Answer
Research has shown that there is a clear relationship between breakdown history and the likelihood of further breakdown. However, you may have been unlucky and had to call on our services more in the last year than you have ever had to previously. That's why we consider your breakdown history over a longer period of time to balance out any peaks or troughs and to make sure a fair price is calculated for the next year of your agreement.
This calculation may apply to all our HomeCare® products, including standalone Plumbing Care™, Plumbing & Drains Care™ and Home Electrical Care™. It may also apply to customers who pay a fixed fee per completed repair with our Flexi™ range of products.
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