- Question
Why has my Direct Debit gone up when I'm on a fixed-price tariff?
- Answer
If you're on a fixed-price tariff, the cost is fixed per unit of energy you use and will not change during your fixed-price period.
If your Direct Debit has increased, it may be because:
Your energy use has increased
Reasons for using more energy include having more people in the house or using more electrical appliances. When we review your account, we look at your latest meter readings. You can help us calculate your energy usage accurately by submitting regular meter readings online.You're coming to the end of your fixed-price plan
Your Direct Debits are set up to cover your energy costs over the whole of the coming year. Beyond the agreed end date of your fixed price plan, you'll be paying a different amount for each unit of energy you use. We will take this into account when reviewing your upcoming payments.We will write to you a few weeks before your fixed-price tariff ends to let you know your options and help you choose the right tariff to move on to. You can also view our current available tariffs online.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=3430
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