- Question
Why have my Direct Debit payments gone down?
- Answer
When we review your account, we may find that your current payments are higher than your actual energy costs. This may be due to a number of reasons, including:
Energy usage changes
Your gas or electricity consumption can change from time to time and this will influence the amount your Direct Debits need to be set at.Reasons for using less energy may include:
- having fewer people in the house
- installing a more efficient boiler
- improved insulation
- making use of energy efficient products, such as light bulbs and standby savers
Submitting regular meter readings online will ensure you are billed based on your correct energy usage.
Price and/or tariff changes
If there's been a recent price change or you've changed tariff, your Direct Debit may need to be adjusted to meet your predicted energy costs.Credit balance on your account
If you have a credit balance on your account, this may mean that your regular payments are more than your actual energy usage. We need to lower your Direct Debit payments to reflect this and to help make sure your account stays accurate.If your payments need to change for any reason, we will tell you this on your latest statement and show you what your new payment will be.
EnergySmart™ customers get a consumption graph with each bill - this should help you see any obvious increase/decrease in your energy usage.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=3414
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