- Question
Why should I pay by Direct Debit?
- Answer
You could save an average of £67 a year paying by Direct Debit - no other British Gas payment option offers a better discount. On average, people save £27 for gas and £40 for electricity over a year. This is shown on your quarterly statement and is in addition to any Dual Fuel discount.
Other reasons to pay by Direct Debit:
- it's convenient - you don't have to queue at the Post Office or bank, send a cheque or call us to make a payment
- with monthly fixed Direct Debit you can spread the cost of your annual bills, so you don't pay more in the winter when you use more energy
- it's secure and you're protected by the Direct Debit guarantee
- choose which day of the month you make your payments
- choose from fixed Direct Debit or variable Direct Debit
- no matter which tariff you're on you can pay by Direct Debit.
Find out more about Direct Debit discounts.
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