- Question
Why won't my EnergySmart™ display unit and transmitter communicate?
- Answer
The electricity monitor is designed to operate in a home environment over a range of 20/30 meters depending on your monitor type (colour monitors have a 20m range and black & white monitors have a 30m range), with up to two walls in between the transmitter and display. If the units are set further apart, then you may need to bring them closer together to communicate.
Other reasons for the units not communicating may be:
Radio interference: This is unlikely in a home environment, but try moving both the transmitter and display unit away from any possible source of interference including large metal objects e.g. a fridge.
Dead batteries in the sensor/transmitter: Check the LED light is illuminated with the batteries inserted? If not then try using new batteries.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=19,CASE=5147
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