- Question
Can I get online with simplicity?
- Answer
- Yes. If you’re on Pay & Go simplicity, you can go online from an extra £3 a month. You can add online use to each of our simplicity allowances. We’ve got three web allowances:
The Basics is a small package. With 100MB included it’s just right for light browsing and email for only £3 a month.
The All-Rounder is a bigger package. You’ll get 500MB, unlimited public Wi-Fi (through The Cloud and BT Openzone) and 20 picture messages for £6 a month.
The Works is for people who want to make the very most of their mobile. It gives you 1GB, unlimited public Wi-Fi (through The Cloud and BT Openzone) and 50 picture messages for £10 a month.
You can change your mind and change your web allowance every month. You can do this by calling 2202, free from your O2 mobile.
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