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  • Question

    How can I check how many minutes or texts are left this month?

    • Answer
    • You can find out at My O2.

      Pay Monthly – with one mobile number
      Look for the 'My inclusive allowance' section on the right-hand side of the screen. You'll see what you get with your tariff, plus any Bolt Ons. 

      Pay Monthly – with two or more mobile numbers
      1. Click 'View my full bill' on the 'My bill summary' section of the screen. 
      2. Choose 'My Mobiles' from the drop-down list. 
      3. Pick the mobile number you want to check. 
      4. Click 'Inclusive Allowance Detail' at the bottom of the screen. 

      The 'Allowance Used' column shows what you've used this month – and any regular Bolt Ons. 

      You can also send a blank text to 21202. We'll text back to tell you what you've used. 

      Or call 2020 from your mobile and choose option 1. 

      Pay & Go
      Go to My O2 to see your account summary. For more detail, click 'Manage my tariff and Bolt Ons'. 

      You can also text 'balance' to 20202 to see what you've used. 

      Or call 4444 and select option 2, then option 2 again. We'll tell you what's left on your account and the date when they expire – your anniversary date.

    • View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=151,E=0000000003210529052,K=4948,Sxi=8,T=pm2,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=2
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