- Question
How do I create a BlackBerry Email address?
- Answer
You can only access this type of email address from a BlackBerry on the O2 network – if you leave BlackBerry or O2 you’ll lose this email address.
Find the Setup
folder on your Home Screen then select either Email Settings or Email Accounts If prompted to select either Internet Mail Account or Enterprise Account, Select Internet Mail Account
Agree to the terms and conditions.
To create a BlackBerry email account with the domain @o2email.co.uk which you can only use with your BlackBerry phone on O2
- Select Create New Address
- Choose your email address (e.g. myname@o2email.co.uk) password, and secret question
- Your email account is now set up.
You can only have one @o2email.co.uk account associated with your BlackBerry at any one time.
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=363,E=0000000003207923762,K=8434,Sxi=13,T=guruCase,VARSET_COBJID=41969,Problem=Obj(41969)
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