- Question
How do tariff changes show on my bill?
- Answer
You won't see changes to your bill instantly. That's because tariff changes don't happen until the day before the date of your next bill. Remember, you'll lose any rollover minutes you've collected.
When you get your next bill it will show:- A credit for 1 day at your old line rental
- charge for 1 day at your new line rental
- An advance charge for next month at your new line rental
Your second month's bill will show your new tariff charges, as normal.
- A credit for 1 day at your old line rental
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=260,E=0000000003210656604,K=3251,Sxi=8,T=pm4,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=4
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