- Question
I want to change my tariff
- Answer
Pay Monthly
You can change your tariff every 30 days if you need to. You can move to a tariff with the same monthly subscription, or a more expensive one, at any point in your contract. If you want to move to a cheaper tariff, you'll need to have been on your contract for a certain amount of time. Check yourterms and conditions to find out how long this is.
If you want to change your tariff or find out your options, get in touch with us by email.
You can view all of our tariffs on our website.
Pay & Go
You can change your tariff every 30 days if you need to. Your tariff change will take place right away, but remember that you’ll lose all of the allowances that you have on your current tariff.
You can change your tariff a couple of ways.
- Through My O2
Just sign in. Then click on the My Tariff and Bolt Ons link on the left hand side. You’ll be able to see your current tariff and then underneath that, click the Change My Tariff button. You’ll then see a list of all the tariffs you can change to. Choose the tariff you want and click the select tariff button.
Did you know, you can compare your current tariff to the one you want to move to by clicking the Compare with my current tariff link?
- Send us a text message. To change to:
- Text and Web – send TEXTANDWEB to 21300
- Talkalotmore – send MORE to 21300
- O2 Unlimited – send LINK to 21300
- Your Country – send YOURCOUNTRY to 21300
- Text and Call – send TEXTANDCALL to 21300
- Favourite place – send your postcode to 22204
- Call us free on 2202 and do it automatically over the phone. Just press option 1 then 3 and follow the instructions. .
- Or get in touch by email.
You can view all of our tariffs on our website.
- View Answer at http://service.o2.co.uk/IQ/SRVS/CGI-BIN/WEBCGI.EXE/,/?St=260,E=0000000003210656604,K=3251,Sxi=8,T=pm4,question=ref(User):str(Mobile),cmd=new,&tab=4
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