Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Apps / getting started with Facebook on your BlackBerry Torch 9800
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    getting started with Facebook on your BlackBerry Torch 9800

    • Answer
      1. open the applications tray
      2. tap the Facebook icon
      3. enter the email address that you registered with facebook and the password for your facebook account
      4. tap Login, your phone will now connect to the facebook setup wizard.
      5. select which facebook features you wish to connect your BlackBerry to: -
      • BlackBerry Calendar  if you receive an event invitation on facebook this will appear in the phone calendar.
      • BlackBerry Message  if you receive a notification on facebook this will appear as a message on your phone.
      • BlackBerry Contacts  shares contact information between your phone's contact and your facebook contacts.
      1. tap Save to start using facebook or tap Next to configure the detailed options.
      2. our phone with now update with all the latest information from facebook

    • View Answer at http://help.orange.co.uk/orangeuk/support/personal/518153
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