Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Voicemail / How do I pick up my voicemail messages when I'm abroad?
- Question
How do I pick up my voicemail messages when I'm abroad?
- Answer
- Short call 121 (or 242 if you use Vodafone Mail) will work in most countries if connected over the local Vodafone network.
If 121 is not available, you can access your messages by calling your mailbox number in the international format (i.e. + 447836121121)
Your mailbox number is always displayed at the end of Voicemail text alerts
When connected, interrupt your greeting by pressing 9, then enter your security code
This will give access to your messages.
- View Answer at http://help.vodafone.co.uk/system/selfservice.controller?CMD=BROWSE_TOPIC&PARTITION_ID=1&CONFIGURATION=1058&SIDE_LINK_SUB_TOPIC_ID=100231&SIDE_LINK_TOPIC_ID=100206&TOPIC_ID=100231&TOPIC_TYPE=0&STARTING_ID=0&TOPIC_NAME=iPhone%203GS%2016GB%20&PARENT_TOPIC_ID=100206&PARENT_TOPIC_TYPE=0&SOURCE_FORM=BROWSE_TOPIC#a=1077735&t=100234
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