Home / Product Selection / Mobiles / Software / What is the latest software version available for the BlackBerry 9300?
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What is the latest software version available for the BlackBerry 9300?
- Answer
The latest software version is: (1602)
The following improvements have been made in this maintenance release:- improved synchronization of audio and video while streaming
- improved navigation while streaming videos and receiving calls
- improved noise quality while streaming music using a Bluetooth connection
- improved User Iinterface experience while voice dialling
- improved text and MMS messages interruption scenarios
- improvised localization and typing input methods.
- View Answer at http://help.vodafone.co.uk/system/selfservice.controller?CMD=BROWSE_TOPIC&PARTITION_ID=1&CONFIGURATION=1058&SIDE_LINK_SUB_TOPIC_ID=233100&SIDE_LINK_TOPIC_ID=7790&TOPIC_ID=233100&TOPIC_TYPE=0&STARTING_ID=0&TOPIC_NAME=9300%20Curve%20&PARENT_TOPIC_ID=7790&PARENT_TOPIC_TYPE=0&SOURCE_FORM=BROWSE_TOPIC#a=3818243&t=354402
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