- Question
I'm putting more money on my meter than usual: why?
- Answer
If your energy use seems to be a little higher than usual, it might not be the result of a faulty meter. It might be worth thinking about your energy habits and whether they've altered recently.
As a rule, most of our customers use more energy during the colder months, so the amount you top up by in winter is likely to be much more than in summer.
Lifestyle changes, like the arrival of a new baby or school holidays, might see increases in your usual consumption. New appliances like washer-dryers and LCD televisions also tend to use slightly more energy.
You also might pay more if you are paying off a debt through your meter and have not been topping up weekly. The meter will automatically take more than your weekly recovery rate to help you catch up.
Find out more about how you repay money through your meter:
Gas meterIf you're concerned about your energy usage see if we can help you save by trying our free Energy Savers Report.
If you think your energy usage hasn't changed fill in our
Online contact form selecting Pay As You Go Energy™ from the drop-down menu. If you prefer, call us on 0800 048 0303* we are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.*Calls may be recorded and/or monitored for quality assurance and compliance purposes.
- View Answer at https://www.britishgas.co.uk/HelpAndAdvice/LookUp/?SXI=13,CASE=3614
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