Home / Product Selection / Energy / Meter Readings / What are the coloured lights at the bottom of the Smart in-home display?
- Question
What are the coloured lights at the bottom of the Smart in-home display?
- Answer
The lights give you an instant indication of how much electricity you are using at any one time. The different levels are:
- Green - your current electricity consumption is less than 1kW (4.35 Amps)
- Amber - your current electricity consumption is between 1kW (4.35 Amps) and 4kW (17.39 Amps)
- Red - your current electricity consumption is greater than 4kW per hour (17.39 Amps)
If the blue light is on, you have a message. Simply pull down the clear flap and press the button with an envelope symbol to read it.
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