Home / Product Selection / SetTop / Set Up / Why some channels in the EPG are displayed without programme information and instead have the message "no info availalbe-other network"?
- Question
Why some channels in the EPG are displayed without programme information and instead have the message "no info availalbe-other network"?
- Answer
- During the first installation just after the scan you are prompted with the "Preferred network selection" screen.
This can affect households on the border between two televisions regions as the unit is designed to receive programme information only from the preferred network.
If you wish to change your "preferred network" choice you will need to perform a factory reset where you will be able to select an alternative.
- View Answer at http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/dcbint/cpindex.pl?scy=GB&mid=Link_FAQs&view=aa12_view_partial.html&session=20111213090954_2.100.96.157&list=aa12_list_partial.html&slg=ENG&ctn=HDT8520/05&dct=FAQ&refnr=0085189&faqview=1
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