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  • What to do if you're not getting a satellite signal

      • There are a number of reasons why a "No satellite signal" message is shown on your screen.

        Extreme weather

        Large snowfall or heavy rain can affect your signal but your viewing should return to normal when the weather improves. If there is snow on the dish this can cause the dish to move out of alignment, so you may be able to watch some channels but not others and will see the "No satellite signal" message.

        Obstructions around your Sky dish

        If there is scaffolding, for example, blocking your dish, this can prevent the signal reaching your Sky box. Your viewing should return to normal when the obstruction is removed. You will also need to visually check that your satellite dish is still firmly secured to your home. If it is not attached, please do not attempt to fix it yourself. You can arrange for a qualified engineer to come and fix it. Visit the Contact Us page and scroll to the bottom for email, telephone and live chat (when available) options.

        From time to time there may be temporary broadcasting problems with some channels, which means that you may not be able to view all the channels. Press 501 on your Sky remote control and you should see Sky News. If you can see Sky News, return to the channel you were previously having issues with and check to see if the problem has been resolved. If not try the steps outlined below.


        Reboot and check your cable connections


        Connect Satellite CablesSwitch off your Sky box and TV at the mains for three minutes. Check that all the wires are firmly inserted into your Sky box and television. The diagram shows you how the wires should be connected into the back of your Sky box. Please note that if you only have a single feed from the dish to your box you'll only have one satellite connection cable. For more information about single feeds read the Single Feed instructions further down this article.




        Satellite signal check

        Signal strength indicatorYou can check the strength of your signal using your Sky remote control:

        1. Press services on your Sky remote control and you will see the main menu withOptions highlighted.
        2. Highlight the Settings menu using the right arrow button and press select.
        3. Use the left/right arrows to scroll toSignal and press select.
        4. The grey bars displayed will show you the strength of the signal to your Sky+HD box.

        If there are no bars displayed this would indicate there is a physical issue, for example, a cable has fallen out of the back of the box, or a dish related fault. If the bars on both strength and quality are shown, this would suggest that there is a broadcast issue.


        If the steps outlined above have not resolved your problem, please use the instructions below to carry out a LNB reset.

    • View More: Sky What to do if you're not getting a satellite signal
    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/error-messages/no-satellite-signal/
  • My phone line is not connected

  • Housekeeping. Please wait

    • On screen message: Housekeeping

      If you receive a "Housekeeping - please wait" on-screen message, your Sky+HD box is trying to complete a procedure on the internal hard drive. Please wait for your box to resolve the problem.


      If your Sky+HD box continues to display "Housekeeping. Please wait" for more than two minutes it may have stalled. Please reboot your box to reset the system.

      1. Press and hold the standby button on your Sky remote control until the standby light on your Sky+HD box turns red.
      2. Switch off the power plug to your Sky+HD box at the mains socket.
      3. Check there are no lights remaining on your Sky+HD box.
      4. Switch the power supply back on at the mains socket.
      5. Ensure the red standby light on the box has re-appeared, then wait for 3 minutes.
      6. Press sky on your remote control and the light on your Sky+HD box will turn green.

    • View More: Sky Housekeeping. Please wait
    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/error-messages/housekeeping-please-wait/
  • Part-failed recording - power cut

  • Recording interrupted

      • Planner showing recording clash

        If you see the on-screen message "Recording Interrupted", this means that your Sky box was unable to record because it lost power or the satellite signal during the recording, or someone chose to cancel the recording and then restarted it. It's possible to do this accidentally by choosing the wrong programme from the "Programme clash" warning screen.

        After a few seconds your Sky+HD box will continue playback from the point when the satellite signal returned or recording was started. 

        Rebuilding your planner may prevent future recording issues. 

        A planner rebuild may fix the issues you have experienced or prevent future issues from occurring. The following instructions are easy to follow using your Sky remote and take just a few minutes. 

        Please note that this procedure will stop any recordings currently in progress - if you're currently recording a programme, you may wish to wait until it's finished before continuing.


    • View More: Sky Recording interrupted
    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/error-messages/recording-interrupted/
  • Upgrade your subscription to view this channel

    • Sky box with channel packs

      If you receive an on-screen error message saying you need to upgrade your subscription, your package does not include the channel you are trying to view. Follow these instructions to upgrade your subscription to change your subscription online.


      1. Have your payment details handy


      If there are one-off charges, such as installation costs, associated with your upgrade, you'll need your credit or debit card handy to pay these. Any increases in your monthly subscription fee will simply appear on your next Sky bill and be debited automatically using your normal payment method.


      2. Sign into the upgrade page


      Sign into our customer upgrade page. You can choose to Use your Sky ID (the username and password you use for My Sky services or use the first time access box to sign in using your payment details or Sky viewing card number.


      3. Upgrade your subscription


      Choose the channel packs you wish to add, add Sky Broadband and/or Sky Talk and choose an installation date. We'll display a printable receipt and email confirmation of your order.

    • View More: Sky Upgrade your subscription to view this channel
    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/error-messages/upgrade-your-subscription-to-view-this-channel/
  • You cannot play back this recording

  • This is the wrong card for this set top box

    • Insert your viewing cardThere are two reasons why you might this see message on your screen. Firstly, if you have a Multiroom subscription it may be that your cards have been mixed-up. Secondly, if you have just had a service call/engineer visit or you have self set-up your Sky+HD box it may be that your card has not linked-up correctly.


      Multiroom Subscription Steps: 

      1. Insert your viewing card into your Sky+HD box.
      2. Tune to a channel you pay a subscription for, such as a Sky Movies or Sky Sports channel. If this channel is not part of your package, you'll see a message prompting you to upgrade, so choose a different channel that you do pay a subscription for.
      3. If the correct card is in place you’ll be able to watch this channel. If the incorrect card is in place you will continue to see the wrong card message, so try a different viewing card orContact us for further assistance.


      Engineer Visit/Self Set-Up 
      If you have had an engineer visit, wait 2-4 hours after the visit and then check the channel again. If you have carried out a self set-up make sure you have followed all the set-up steps. If the problem continues, you’ll need to Contact us for further assistance. 

    • View More: Sky This is the wrong card for this set top box
    • View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/tv/sky-plus-hd/error-messages/wrong-card-for-set-top-box/
  • The Planner is full. You must delete an entry before another programme can be added

  • Planner showing "Please wait" message



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