- Question
How do I move my Sky Talk calls only package?
- Answer
To move your Sky Talk, you need to make sure you have a BT-compatible phone line at your new property. You can find this out by calling BT and telling them about your move. Make sure you tell them that you want to take your Sky Talk with you. Your Sky Talk package will remain active throughout the moving process and you will continue to pay Sky for any calls you make, according to your Sky Talk package.
a) What if BT tell me that there is no BT-compatible line in my new home?
You will need to get a BT-compatible phone line installed; the provider should be able to install a brand new line for you, however if you would rather have your line rental through Sky, we can provide the phone installation for you. When you have had your new BT line active for five working days, call us to arrange Sky Talk Calls at your new home. Please note, you should only order Line Rental with the Unlimited Weekend plan from BT if you intend to remain with Sky Talk, if you select a chargeable calls package from BT you may be subject to a contract with BT and minimum terms.
b) How long will it take for my BT line to become active?
It usually takes 14 days for your line to become active with BT. Then, after you order Sky Talk, another 14 days for Sky Talk to become active. During the time between your line and Sky Talk going active, you will pay BT for any telephone calls that you make on their call package.
- View Answer at http://www.sky.com/helpcentre/moving-home/faq/
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